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"...the principle of collage is the central principle of all art in the 20th century." -- Donald Barthelme (1931-1989)

''l'art pour l'art.'' -- Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebecque (1767–1830) also attributed to Théophile Gautier (1811–1872)
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Now find announcements of upcoming exhibitions, images, and more on's facebook page's evolving list of links to

A list of links to assemblage artists and assemblage-related sites.
Hopefully the descriptions will prove useful. -- Jonathan Talbot
, editor

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Bobbi Adams: Among Bobbi Adams various works are some powerful collage-constructions. Posted 5.17.04

Marsha Balian: California artist Marsha Balian's bridges the gap between assemblage and sculpture. Posted 12.17.2008

Lenny Bove: Many of Lenny Bove's assemblages reveal his love for electricity. US. Suggested by Deborah Hayner/ Posted March 2011

Reginald Case: The assemblages of Reginald Case explore American cultural icons. Case also makes collages, drawings and paintings. His works can be seen in museums world-wide. USA Posted 09.15.08

David Caspar / The Secret Window: German artist David Caspar describes The Secret Window as "a personal view into my young heart." Collages, assemblages, and altered books can be found there. Text in English Posted 2.15.04

Deborah Colotti: Some of Deborah Colotti's assemblages are modest in size but others must be considered installations. US. Suggested by Deborah Hayner/ Posted January 2011

Dale Copeland: Dale Copeland makes assemblages and collages. She was an invited guest artist at the 2nd International Symposium of Collage in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and has also organized a number of collage exhibitions and exchanges. Posted 4.17.03

Joseph Cornell: This Webmuseum site offers images of twenty-eight of Cornell's boxes.Posted 4.21.99

flag Sue Cotter: Woodhenge Press, the website of southwestern Utah artist Sue Cotter, showcases her altered books, rock books and narrative assemblage sculpture.Posted 11.1.14

Elizabeth Dorbad: Among the works of California artists Elizabeth Dorbad are a number of large and small scale assemblages. US. Suggested by Brent Witters / Posted 3.09.2009

Terry Ray Flowers: Terry Ray Flowers is a self-taught artist whose works reflect a complex relationship with Christianity. .USA Posted November 2009 Revised 2015

Richard Fulham: The collages and assemblages of Québecois artist Richard Fulham explore the relationships of classical and modern images. Text in French and English / Posted 11.17.00

Karen Gallup: Faces, faces, and more faces. Karen Gallup explores the human visage in both assemblage and collage.Posted 12.30.08

Lori K. Gordon: Click on Lori K. Gordon's name to see a collection of her works which contain storm debris from hurricanes Katrina and Gustav. There are approximately one thousand works in the series. See additional works here Posted 2.6.2011

Phillip Graffham: Phillip Graffham's jewel-bedecked M-16 should be enough to get you to visit his site. There are also many more provocative assemblages .Posted 1.30.09

Joan Hall: The assemblages in Joan Hall's "Assemblage I" gallery have strings attached. Those in her "Assemblage II" gallery deal with archetypes. Her "Assemblage III" gallery contains collaborations with an artist who may have died before Ms. Hall was born. She also makes collages. USA. Posted March, 2009

Deborah Hayner: Courageous and experimental, the collages and assemblages of prolific mixed-media artist Deborah Hayner explore a wide range of styles and subject matter. Posted 7.4.04 Revised Jan 2011

Sloppy James: Whether the unique of Sloppy James are collages or assemblages is something that art-historians of the future will determine. Don't miss seeing them. Also read his pithy comments about the world we live in here. Posted 3.11.2010.

Janette Janson: Collage, Assemblage, Altered Books, Art Dolls, Odds & Ends... Jeanette Janson does it all. Posted 4.11.2004

Kyle Johnston: See the mixed media assemblages and collages of Kyle Johnston. Posted 8.25.02

Katie Dell Kaufman: See the assemblages and collages of Katie Dell Kaufman, Instructor of Collage at the Corcoran in Washington, DC. Posted 10.30.2006

Ed Kienholz (1927-1994): Assemblages which are both large in scale and large in importance. The works of a master. USA

John Kuzich: Some of San Francisco artist John Kuzich's assemblages are made entirely of aluminum cans. The results are painterly. See how he makes this happen. Posted 06.17.2010

(continued at top of next column)


The Lazarus Corporation: Artist Paul Watson (who lives in Nottingham, UK) shows assemblages, digital collages, and more on this evolving and provocative website. Posted 10.17.2001

Marianne Lettieri: The assemblages of San Francisco area artist Marianne Lettieri are economical, elegant, and articulate. Posted 07.20.08

Dan Levin: Dan Levin's assemblages are both humorous and profound. Posted 06.26.00

Mary Ellen Long: Natural materials inform Mary Ellen Longs works which range from intimate assemblages to artist's books to outdoor environmental works. USA Posted 8.06.08

Alejandro Mazón: The "Diary of an Artist" website of Spanish/Cuban/American artist Alejandro Mazón offers many vividly colored assemblages and and collage paintings which contains pieces of antique wallpaper. USA. Suggested by Jeff Rausch and Scott Schwartz. Posted 11.7.08

Darlene Olivia McElroy: Darlene Olivia McElroy mines found objects for the the metaphors they hold and assembles them into evocative narrative works. She also makes collages. USA. Posted March 2009

Allan Mietla: Economy of style meets mystery and romance in the assemblages of Allan Mietla. Posted January 2011

Jenifer Renzel: Prolific artist Jenifer Renzel's assemblages are pleasingly profound yet unusually unpretentious. Posted March 2011

Bob Rizzo: Bob Rizzo's assemblages include lots of shrines. He also makes collages and lots of other things. Posted 4.7.09

Deborah Robinson: Deborah Robinson creates three-dimensional objects, assemblages, and collages as well. Posted 6.8.02

Rene Rodriguez: The assemblages of Rene Rodriguez reveal the artist's intimate knowledge of, and his affection for, his artistic ancestors. Posted January 2011

Judith Singer: The website of assemblage artist Judith Singer features a You Tube video of her in her studio.US. Posted 3.09.2009

Deborah Singletary: Reverend Deborah Singletary views her assemblage work (and the works of those who participate in her workshops) as functioning in a human/spiritual context. Posted 1.16.06

Gerri Ann Siwek: See the assemblages and other works of Saskatchewan artist Geri Ann Siwek, creator of the Funomena Mobile Museum of the Weird and Strange. Canada. Posted 12.17.08

William Skrips: See the playful and profound assemblages of prolific artist William Skrips. Posted 2.28.06

Becki Smith: Texas artist Becki Smith creates three dimensional commentaries on human nature in which she examines stereotypes, gender roles, and quotes and clichés. USA. Posted 12.17.2008

pin Randie Snow: Randie Snow's work explores the natural balance of the human existence and often strives to find harmony ain seemingly contradictory ideas. . USA. Revised 2015

Susan Spencer: Artists Michael Wilson and Susan Spencer share this site which shows a diverse selection of assemblages. USA. Posted February 2013

Alexander Sterzel: The provocative and evocative collages of German artist Alexander Sterzel combine traditional and digital techniques with photographs the artist takes himself. Text in German. Posted 2.2.02

James Michael Starr: Concise and elegant, the constructions of artist James Michael Starr illumine the human experience. Also see works here.Posted 7.7.00 / Updated 11.16.00

Virginie Transon: See the bright, colorful three-dimensional works of French artist Virginie Transom. Posted Feb 2004

Rebeca Trevino: Rebeca Trevino obtains most of her materials by "dumpster diving." New "finds" lead her artistic journey in new directions. She also makes collages.USA Posted 6.17.2010

flag Will Ursprung: Artist Will Ursprung, Director of Development for the National Collage Society (USA), makes both collages and assemblages. You can see them here and here USA Posted June 2015

Michael Wilson: Artists Michael Wilson and Susan Spencer share this site which shows a diverse selection of assemblages. Posted November 2009, Updated February 2013.


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Last update:June 2015

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The descriptions on this page are copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Jonathan Talbot
and may not be used in any form, printed, electronic,, or otherwise without express permission of the author.